Sharing is Caring

Type {Publication}
Date 03/2023

Sharing food is a part of everyone’s culture—the act of it means various things in the different cultures that exist. This publication goes into a deeper analysis into what sharing food means to us and how we incorporate it into our personal lives.

This was a collaborative work, written and designed with Iris Cho. This publication was published with other collection of works by students in the volume of “A Gathering of Gatherings”—a publication series inspired by Mindy Seu’s work and her essay, “On Gathering”.


“Sharing is Caring”

Written by:
Iris Cho, Ashley Yae

Daniel, Eileen Lee, James Park, Karis Lee, Patrick, Sean Yu, Sharelene Deng, Tycho Horan

“On Gathering of Gatherings”

Editors & Designers:
Anita Huang, Ashley Yae, Briaanna Chiu, Eleanor Ryan, Ella Lawless, Hope Wisor, Husna Abubakar, Iris Cho, Karen Zhou, Kareno Kim, Mizuki Hanada, Nishtha Nanda, Shuixin Wang, Truman Lesak