Publication / Type Design
Spring 2022

Guided under RIchard Lipton

© 2022 by Ashley Yae.
All rights reserved.
Nick Carraway is honest, reflective, and reserved as the narrator in The Great Gatsby—personality of whom Fitzgerald wrote as an idealized version of someone who the author wanted to be.

This typeface reflects those virtues and personality of Nick with its subtle yet elegant curves and sturdy form, giving a sense of curiosity and trust.

Please inquire for a trial use of Carraway. 

Compiled by: Wayne Luan
Cover Design: Alex Zhu
Printed & Assembled: Alex Zhu, Anmol Govinda Rao, Ashley Yae, Mizuki Hanada, Zhiying Shi
Compiled by: Wayne Luan
Cover Design: Alex Zhu
Printed & Assembled: Alex Zhu, Anmol Govinda Rao, Ashley Yae, Mizuki Hanada, Zhiying Shi
Compiled by: Wayne Luan
Cover Design: Alex Zhu
Printed & Assembled: Alex Zhu, Anmol Govinda Rao, Ashley Yae, Mizuki Hanada, Zhiying Shi
Compiled by: Wayne Luan
Cover Design: Alex Zhu
Printed & Assembled: Alex Zhu, Anmol Govinda Rao, Ashley Yae, Mizuki Hanada, Zhiying Shi
Compiled by: Wayne Luan
Cover Design: Alex Zhu
Printed & Assembled: Alex Zhu, Anmol Govinda Rao, Ashley Yae, Mizuki Hanada, Zhiying Shi
Compiled by: Wayne Luan
Cover Design: Alex Zhu
Printed & Assembled: Alex Zhu, Anmol Govinda Rao, Ashley Yae, Mizuki Hanada, Zhiying Shi